The Ron Johnson Con Artist page has been removed from Facebook BUT we anticipated that at some point, and there is another page, if you want to know the name of it, email and we'll give you that address, because we can't have Ron running around conning sweet women and threatening men and children for money.
It was only a matter of time before it went away again (second time he's had it removed) but realistically what else does he do all day? We all know he spends all day on the computer crying his lies to the websites that he's been reported too. It's not like he works, how can you steal from everyone else if you actually have a REAL JOB. Why doesn't he have a real job? Probably because the state of Idaho, Nevada, and Florida has numerous charges against him and if he actually had a set of balls and he actually showed his face anywhere, then he would go to jail, but we all know he's too big of a pussy to do that.
We haven't covered this much.....the "I'm going to sue you" conversation.
Ok, go ahead, for what.....only things published are someone's version of what happened. If Ron Johnson doesn't like that version, you know what, that tough titty. It's not like any information on the web stops Ron Johnson the LIAR-THIEF-CON ARTIST-ABUSER from doing it over and over and over again. What we hope is that it stops at least one person from the abuse he gives out and the money he steals. (How many promissory notes out there......duh (thanks Charlie Sheen)..........they don't mean a DAMN thing, he just does it to build up trust in you so he can repeatedly rape you of your time, money and energy.
We STRONGLY believe he is NOT in jail because he is so violent and volatile and mentally ill. Once you've been money raped and had your trust stolen, we believe you just want to get away from this man because he threatens you and is so violent that he's scary. We believe he's very scary and he gets his way that way, he continues down the pillaging path of con after con.
It takes A LOT to stand up to this man, again, we urge you......GO FILE A POLICE REPORT.......even if it happened years ago. It's called FRAUD BY DECEPTION and he can go to jail for this......where he belongs......convicts LOVE (alleged) child molesters, thieves, cons, liars, then we can all rest a little easier.
One day at a time, everyday we get more and more information and every day the reality that he will one day answer to all of his evils all gets a little closer, when he answers for what he did, then all of the information will be mute. Until then, know 1) you are NOT ALONE 2) you can help someone else.......
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