Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mentally Draining

We understand that all of this can be mentally what you can when you can.  If Ron has done anything to you, it relates to money, sex, violence, threats, GO TO THE POLICE AND REPORT IT.

You can report up to a 18 months later.....GO!!!!

Don't let his son be a deterrent, he uses his son, no one who treats his son the way Ron treats his deserves to keep him.  He got his custody by lying also (what a surprise!!)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Keep it coming

We still get stories.  We ask before writing, if you'd like to share a story please email

Below is a story

"he beat me so badly I couldn't walk for a week.  He kissed his 11 year old son on the mouth and then kissed his toes, the child just sat there was a blank expression on his face."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Woman Against Con Men

There is an actual group called

Woman Against Con Men (WAC)  go and check it out!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Car Story

Apparently he got his Mercedes (old one) coupe silver black interior with Idaho plates from an elderly couple in Idaho that he did a loan for or knew, leaving out that detail.

He threatened them until they signed as co-signers for his car.  We understand it is possible he's quit paying the payments.  This will ruin the OLDER couples credit.

Really.......Ron is really not even worthy of a human tag........he's the son of satin himself!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Playing Dirty

Heard the son of a bitch (which is actually true) is still running the same scam.  Heard from some co workers of recent working and he didn't even wait 48 hrs to pull out some big guns.  They have asked to wait a day or two to share the information.  You know how it is, takes you a while to wrap your head around being threatened.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Differences be aware that these web sites are a playground for a sociopath-con artist-psychopath.

Ron was spotted recently at a very very interesting place.........can't say where yet..........but someone recognized him from the information out on the web.  Followed him for a bit (drives a silver mercedes-conned an elderly couple (remember he is extremely violent and dangerous)  into financing it.  VERY INTERESTING......just saying!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We've found another con artist similar to Ron, his name is Kent.  We know two of the people conned and they contacted us about Kent because they saw the blog about Ron.  Now there is a blog on Kent.  The news did a story on Kent and plastered his face all over the Florida and Alabama.

Check it out

Kent Montgomery Con Artist (on Facebook)

Wouldn't it be nice if Ron were to be on the news?  We believe the difference between Kent and Ron is that Ron is violent and has alleged sex molestation suggestions towards his son.

This just makes us happy.  Yesterday we got this story.

"........I was at Walgreens yesterday and this woman pulled in my parking spot and flipped me off.  Then she got out of her car with her GIGANTIC boobs (I don't know how she walked) and she gave me the bird.  I just sat there in shock.  There were 100 parking spots, why mine?  I did  something I have never done, I keyed her brand new black Mercedes.  I think I was so upset over the idea that a con man wins that I just couldn't take this parking space stealer.  Its time to stand up for what's right and not let the fear that con artist and abusers use to rule you.  Yes, Ron is very scary, he's violent, he volatile, he's an alleged molester, so we steer away.  The concept of a con artist is as old as the human race.  What makes them able to repeat and repeat and repeat the abuse is the amount of work required to "take them down".  They require so much mental work and time and usually the person has been so mind screwed by the time they figure everything out, they just want to be done and then the con artist uses the scare factor or the threat ability.  They threaten to sue.  Ok, so sue.  Like they want to be in a courtroom, or have the funds.  I mean wouldn't that really cut into their "conning" time?  They are such lazy humans, they would rather spend 110% of their time lying than just get a job.  No doubt con artist+sociopath+psychopath=society's's time to wake up!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Still up to it

Found out recently that Ron is still up to some old tricks.  Threatens law suits and such to make you nervous and scared.

Two women have reported that they had various credit card numbers that were tried to be used over the internet.  Those women also had Ron Johnson around them within 48 hours of having those cards fraudulently attempted to be used.

Change your pin numbers, change your passwords, he will do it.

The bank called one woman to say a debit card had been ordered at a new address, they called to verify.....he had the pin and everything!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't give up

So what can you do? Here are some suggestions: 
1. Don't ignore your doubts
Your emotions, or your relief about finally finding someone who wants you, will cloud your judgment. If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, pay attention. Set aside your romantic feelings or business feelings and critically evaluate exactly what your con artist is proposing to you.
2. Verify the story 
Try to check anything that he or she told you—place of birth, military service, job history. If you find discrepancies and confront your con artist about them, be prepared. He or she will probably try to explain them away, or attack you for not being trusting.
3. Ask your friends what they think 
Your friends will assume that you know what you're doing, and they won't want to throw a wet blanket on your happiness. So even if they don't like the guy or gal, they will not say anything—unless you ask for their honest opinions. If they are suspicious, listen to them.
4. Ask for a credit check
To proceed with a credit check, you have two legal options:
  • Get permission from your con artist to do the check, in writing.
  • Ask your con artist to get his or her own credit reports and show them to you.
You'll want reports from the three main credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
This is risky emotionally, but you'll find out if the person really cares about you. Someone who truly loves you might be offended, but will understand. A sociopath who is out to fleece you will get angry, tell you any credit problems are not his or her fault, or disappear.
5. Be honest with yourself
Would you be thinking about giving this person money if he or she wasn't saying, "I love you?" or playing the "family" card or showing a strange sudden interest your family.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We need to add this to our blog:

He's on Filthyliar. com

Check it out, great website!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Con artist vs sociopath

Being educated is the best line of defense.  What separates a con artist from a sociopath?  Doesn't seem like much!

We found this information on sociopaths:

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath". Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.
  • Glibness/Superficial Charm
  • Manipulative and Conning
  • Grandiose Sense of Self
  • Pathological Lying
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
  • Shallow Emotions
  • Incapacity for Love
  • Need for Stimulation
  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
  • Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
  • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/Unreliability
  • Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
  • Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
  • Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Read more:

Sociopathy, also called psychopathy, is a personality disorder characterized by deceit on a scale most of us cannot imagine. These men and women are not crazy; they know exactly what they are doing. Here is how Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., begins his book about psychopaths, Without Conscience:

"Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret."*
Why is it so critical for you to know about sociopaths? Because millions of sociopaths are living among us. Yes, many of them are criminals, locked up in jail. But far more are on the street, hurting people without breaking laws, operating in the gray areas between legal and illegal, or simply eluding the authorities. They can appear to be normal, but they pose a tremendous threat to us all.
Sociopaths exhibit a range of behaviors. In fact, Dr. Hare diagnoses them according to their score on a scale. So just as you could describe someone's intelligence as ranging from smart to genius, you could describe a sociopath as somewhere between sleazy and serial killer. If you see sleazy, he or she may be on the low end of the scale, but they're still bad news.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

People have asked

* we neither confirm nor deny the subject material below:

People have asked repeatedly for this information:

FYI- It is a Florida state law to report suspected child abuse or neglect.  Remember if it looks like a rabbit and it feels like a rabbit and it runs like a's probably a rabbit.  One's gut is usually correct.

From the

........."He has scammed me out of several thousand dollars in "loans" that he never repaid and gave me promissory notes that are worthless.
When he insisted on additonal loans and I refused he became angry and abusive.
I have seen him kiss his eleven year old son on the mouth and touch him IN inappropriate ways then he claims that he is just showing affectiion.
I saw him twist the kid's arm until he screamed and then says he's just having fun and "toughening" him up.
Whenever I said anything he would tell me NEVER to interfere with him and his son.
The son would look at me with such fear and then insist that he's fine .
I should have reported him immediately but kept silent out of fear, and also because I believed his lies when he told me that the boy's stepmother abused him and he was the only one that coulld take care of him.
That child needs to be taken away from him."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ways to spot a scammer

Here is an interesting article:

Also, the subject of this blog met his girlfriend online, another HUGE spot for scammers, as well as Craig's List.  We believe it was and moved to Florida on her dime and lives in her house and spends her money, the entire time while married and having a "friend" in Idaho, scamming them all at once.  He is violent and can be dangerous, beware!!

It is entirely possible that he lists himself on these sites with different names, locations, etc.  May be possibly looking for his next live in, in another state or city.  They run and run and run.

This is a GREAT article!!

Remember the more information we have, the more effective we will be.  If you have any links or sites that you met Ron on, please pass along!!  It can all be done anonymously.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Any More Ideas

If you have any more web sites that we aren't aware of or any "stories" you'd like to share (anonymously) email them to and if we have your permission, we will cut and paste just the story, no names or anything.

It can also be done in the comment section.

The more that is out there, the more people are aware, and the more likely we are to catch the (believed to be) abusive con man.

Friday, February 4, 2011

You Tube Videos

Get a good look!

Information Gathering

There continues to be a flow of information coming in on possible scams.  It is believed that he is using the front of being an "independent" broker who charges "fees" for being "independent".

Be smart, look it up, if it's too good to be your gut.

The more information out there, the more of a chance of helping others.  That is the point of all of this, is to help people and to have a safe place where people can make an informed decision.

Con artists are good at what they do, true business people do not call you repeatedly (6-10 times) and have all the documentation to support it.  If you feel you're being conned, ask for their license number.

Some helpful websites

Somethings to google or bing:
mortgage banker license
regulation of mortgage banker license
independent mortgage banker regulations
independent mortgage banker scams

Be informed....don't let someone else make the decision for you!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More Photos

The Con Artist Ron Johnson

Web Page

Just found a web page, wow, those conned and scared just keep coming.  If you are a victim and you are keeping quiet because you are scared, please know that this is a "safe place" the is a safe place too!  We have to assume that at any point in time the information will "disappear" (what does someone who has no job and scam do all day?? especially a cry baby scam artist), but he can't get rid of an email or a community.  Know that the community of "scammed" who are exchanging information is at about 30 people.

If you have any information please share!!

Web page (lmao)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to beat a scam artist

He will give his best shot to have

1) this removed
2) filthy liar removed
3) whocallsme removed
4) ripoff report removed
5) scam checker removed

Good luck with the Idaho repository.  He will do this because that is what scam artists do, they use the scare tactic.  They threaten you with law suits and the general balance of your life because they are con artists.  He will cry for anyone who will listen and anyone who is afraid of the trouble he brings.  SO, we will go on and put our disclaimer out there.

We are posting information that is out there, we are giving our opinion (which we are allowed to do...regardless of what a con artist says) and we are warning people.  We already know for a FACT that we saved one person from being scammed, we are hoping to save more.  We aren't doing anything wrong, if we didn't have something to write about and warn people about, we wouldn't feel this compassionate.  We feel like the IRS would love to know how he "makes his money".  He's a bad dude, he beats people (recorded on Idaho repository, Nevada and FL records) he threatens people  and he scares people. This is not intended to cause him any harm (quite ironical that we would be concerned with causing him harm)  it is intended to warn people of a current scam occurring and the possibility of a historically violent man becoming violent again.

It is not intended to put his girlfriend, family or friends in any precarious position, they have the choice to be involved with him if they choose and if they think differently, they certainly are entitled to that opinion, just as we are our opinion.

We are good people, and being good people, will try and avoid any undocumented unreasonable comments, but rather just "tell our story" and we are entitled to that and we are entitled to "tell our story" anyway we choose.